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Commodore 1571 firmware
Parse and Execute a Command

        .subttl 'parsex.src'

;parse & execute string in cmdbuf

        lda  #0          
        sta  wbam        
        lda  lstdrv      
        sta  drvnum      
        jsr  okerr       
        lda  orgsa       
        bpl  ps05        
        and  #$f         
        cmp  #$f         
        beq  ps05        
        jmp  open        
ps05    jsr  cmdset     ; set variables,regs
        lda  (cb),y      
        sta  char        
        ldx  #ncmds-1   ; search cmd table
ps10    lda  cmdtbl,x    
        cmp  char        
        beq  ps20        
        bpl  ps10        
        lda  #badcmd    ; no such cmd
        jmp  cmderr      
ps20    stx  cmdnum     ; x= cmd #

        cpx  #pcmd      ; cmds not parsed
        bcc  ps30        
        jsr  tagcmd     ; set tables, pointers &patterns
ps30    ldx  cmdnum      
        lda  cjumpl,x    
        sta  temp        
        lda  cjumph,x    
        sta  temp+1      
        jmp  (temp)     ; command table jump

; successful command termination
        lda  #0          
        sta  wbam        
        lda  erword      
        bne  cmderr      
        ldy  #0          
        sty  track       

scrend  sty  sector     ; scratch entry
        sty  cb          
        jsr  errmsg      
        jsr  erroff      
        lda  drvnum      
        sta  lstdrv      


	jmp  ptch43	; *** rom ds 85 ***
	nop		; fill
;       lda  #0          
;       sta  nodrv,x     


        jsr  clrcb       
        jmp  freich     ; free internal channel
        ldy  #cmdlen-1   
        lda  #0          
        sta  cmdbuf,y    
        bpl  clrb2       
; command level error processing

cmderr  ldy  #0          
        sty  track       
        sty  sector      


	jmp  ptch47	; *** rom ds 85 ***
;       jmp  cmder2      


simprs  ldx  #0         ; simple parser
        stx  filtbl      
        lda  #':         
        jsr  parse       
        beq  sp10        
        sty  filtbl      
sp10    jmp  setany     ; set drive #
        .page  'parse-tagcmd'    
        ldy  #0          
        ldx  #0          
        lda  #':         
        jmp  parse      ; find pos'n of ":"
;tag command string
;  set up cmd structure
;  image & file stream ptrs

        jsr  prscln      
        bne  tc30        
tc25    lda  #nofile    ; none, no files
        jmp  cmderr      
tc30    dey      
        sty  filtbl     ; ":"-1 starts fs1
        bne  tc25       ; err: "," before ":"
tc35    lda  #'=        ; search: "="
        jsr  parse       
        txa     	; ?file count= 1-1?
        beq  tc40        
        lda  #%01000000 ; g1-bit
tc40    ora  #%00100001 ; e1,^e2-bits
        sta  image      ; fs structure
        stx  f1cnt       
        stx  f2cnt      ; init for no fs2
        lda  patflg      
        beq  tc50        
        lda  #%10000000 ; p1-bit
        ora  image       
        sta  image       
        lda  #0          
        sta  patflg     ; clear pattern flag
tc50    tya     	; ptr to fs2
        beq  tc75       ;  fs2 not here
        sta  filtbl,x    
        lda  f1cnt      ; fs2 is here now,...
        sta  f2ptr      ; ...now set f2 ptr
        lda  #$8d       ; find cr-shifted
        jsr  parse      ; parse rest of cmd string
        inx     	; advance filtbl ptr to end
        stx  f2cnt      ; save it
        dex     	; restore for test
        lda  patflg     ; save last pattern
        beq  tc60       ; ?any patterns?
        lda  #%1000     ; yes, p2-bit
tc60    cpx  f1cnt      ; ?f2cnt=f1cnt+1?
        beq  tc70        
        ora  #%0100     ; g2-bit
tc70    ora  #%0011     ; e2-bit,^e2-bit
        eor  image      ; eor clears ^e2-bit
        sta  image       
        lda  image       
        ldx  cmdnum      
        and  struct,x   ; match cmd template
        bne  tc80        
tc80    sta  erword     ; **could be warning
        lda  #badsyn    ; err: bad syntax
        jmp  cmderr      

	.subttl  'parse'   

;parse string
;  looks for special chars,
;  returning when var'bl char
;  is found
;   a: var'bl char
;   x: in,out: index, filtbl+1
;   y: in: index, cmdbuf
;     out: new ptr, =0 if none
;         (z=1) if y=0

parse   sta  char       ; save var'bl char
pr10    cpy  cmdsiz     ; stay in string
        bcs  pr30        
        lda  (cb),y     ; match char
        cmp  char        
        beq  pr35       ; found char
        cmp  #'*        ; match pattern chars
        beq  pr20        
        cmp  #'?         
        bne  pr25        
pr20    inc  patflg     ; set pattern flag
pr25    cmp  #',        ; match file separator
        bne  pr10        
        sta  filtbl+1,x ; put ptrs in table
        lda  patflg     ; save pattern for ea file
        and  #$7f        
        beq  pr28        
        lda  #$80       ; retain pattern presence...
        sta  pattyp,x    
        sta  patflg     ; ...but clear count
pr28    inx      
        cpx  #mxfils-1   
        bcc  pr10       ; no more than mxfils
pr30    ldy  #0         ; y=0 (z=1)
pr35    lda  cmdsiz      
        sta  filtbl+1,x          
        lda  patflg      
        and  #$7f        
        beq  pr40        
        lda  #$80        
        sta  pattyp,x    
pr40    tya     	; z is set

;initialize command tables, ptrs, etc.

cmdset  ldy  buftab+cbptr        
        beq  cs08        
        beq  cs07        


	jsr  ptch49	; *** rom ds 85 ***
;       lda  cmdbuf,y    


        cmp  #cr         
        beq  cs08        


	jsr  ptch49	; *** rom ds 85 ***
;       lda  cmdbuf,y    


        cmp  #cr         
        beq  cs08        
cs07    iny      
cs08    sty  cmdsiz     ; set cmd string size

        cpy  #cmdlen+1   
        ldy  #$ff        
        bcc  cmdrst      
        sty  cmdnum      
        lda  #longln    ; long line error
        jmp  cmderr      
;  clear variables,tables
        ldy  #0          
        sta  buftab+cbptr        
        sta  rec         
        sta  type        
        sta  typflg      
        sta  f1ptr       
        sta  f2ptr       
        sta  f1cnt       
        sta  f2cnt       
        sta  patflg      
        sta  erword      
        ldx  #mxfils     
cs10    sta  filtbl-1,x          
        sta  entsec-1,x          
        sta  entind-1,x          
        sta  fildrv-1,x          
        sta  pattyp-1,x          
        sta  filtrk-1,x          
        sta  filsec-1,x          
        bne  cs10        

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated March 24, 1998.