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Commodore 1571 firmware

	.subttl 'lccseek.src'
seak    ldx  #90        ;  search 90 headers
        stx  tmp         
        ldx  #0         ; read in 8 gcr bytes
        lda  #$52       ;  header block id
        sta  stab        
seek10  jsr  sync       ;  find sync char
        bvc  *          ;  wait for block id
        lda  data2       
        cmp  stab       ;  test if header block
        bne  seek20     ;  not header
seek15  bvc  *   
        clv     	;  read in gcr header
        lda  data2       
        sta  stab+1,x    
        cpx  #7          
        bne  seek15      
        jsr  cnvbin     ;  convert header in stab to binary in header
        ldy  #4         ;  compute checksum
        lda  #0          
seek30  eor  header,y    
        bpl  seek30      
        cmp  #0         ;  test if ok
        bne  cserr      ;  nope, checksum error in header
        ldx  cdrive     ;  update drive track#
        lda  header+2    
        sta  drvtrk,x    
        lda  job        ;  test if a seek job
        cmp  #$30        
        beq  eseek       
        lda  cdrive      
        asl  a          ;  test if correct id
        lda  dskid,y     
        cmp  header      
        bne  badid       
        lda  dskid+1,y   
        cmp  header+1    
        bne  badid       
        jmp  wsect      ;  find best sector to service
seek20  dec  tmp        ;  search more?
        bne  seek10     ; yes
        lda  #2         ;  cant find a sector
        jsr  errr        
eseek   lda  header     ; harris fix....
        sta  dskid      ; ....
        lda  header+1   ; ....
        sta  dskid+1    ; ....
done    lda  #1         ;  return ok code
	.byte    skip2   
badid   lda  #11        ;  disk id mismatch
	.byte    skip2   
cserr   lda  #9         ;  checksum error in header
        jmp  errr        
wsect   lda  #$7f       ;  find best job
        sta  csect       
        lda  header+3   ;  get upcoming sector #
        adc  #2          
        cmp  sectr       
        bcc  l460        
        sbc  sectr      ; wrap around
l460    sta  nexts      ;  next sector
        ldx  #numjob-1   
        stx  jobn        
        ldx  #$ff        
l480    jsr  setjb       
        bpl  l470        
        sta  work        
        and  #1          
        cmp  cdrive     ;  test if same drive
        bne  l470       ;  nope
        ldy  #0         ;  test if same track
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        cmp  tracc       
        bne  l470        
        lda  job        ;  test if execute job
        cmp  #execd      
        beq  l465        
        ldy  #1          
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        sbc  nexts       
        bpl  l465        
        adc  sectr       
l465    cmp  csect       
        bcs  l470        
        pha     	;  save it
        lda  job         
        beq  tstrdj     ;  must be a read
        cmp  #wrtmin    ;  +if(csect<4)return;
        bcc  l470       ;  +if(csect>8)return;
        cmp  #wrtmax     
        bcs  l470        
doitt   sta  csect      ; its better
        lda  jobn        
        adc  #>bufs      
        sta  bufpnt+1    
        bne  l470        
tstrdj  pla      
        cmp  #rdmax     ;  if(csect>6)return;
        bcc  doitt       
l470    dec  jobn        
        bpl  l480        
        txa     	;  test if a job to do
        bpl  l490        
        jmp  end        ;  no job found
l490    stx  jobn        
        jsr  setjb       
        lda  job         
        jmp  reed        
cnvbin  lda  bufpnt      
        lda  bufpnt+1    
        pha     	;  save buffer pntr
        lda  #<stab      
        sta  bufpnt     ;  point at gcr code
        lda  #>stab      
        sta  bufpnt+1    
        lda  #0          
        sta  gcrpnt      
        jsr  get4gb     ;  convert 4 bytes
        lda  btab+3      
        sta  header+2    
        lda  btab+2      
        sta  header+3    
        lda  btab+1      
        sta  header+4    
        jsr  get4gb     ;  get 2 more
        lda  btab       ;  get id
        sta  header+1    
        lda  btab+1      
        sta  header      
        sta  bufpnt+1   ; restore pointer
        sta  bufpnt      

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated August 27, 1998.