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Commodore 1571 firmware
Track Read

	.subttl  'lcc.read'      
;   *read
;    read in track,sector specified
;    in header
reed    cmp  #0         ;  test if read job
        beq  read01     ;  go test if write
        jmp  wright      
read01  jsr  dstrt      ;  find header and start reading data
read11  bvc  *          ;  wait for byte
        lda  data2      ;  store away data
        sta  (bufpnt),y ;  in data buffer
        bne  read11      
        ldy  #255-toprd ;  store rest in overflow buffer
read20  bvc  *   
        lda  data2       
        sta  ovrbuf,y    
        bne  read20      
        jsr  gcrbin     ;  convert buffer to binary
        lda  bid        ;  test if its a data block
        cmp  dbid        
        beq  read28      
        lda  #4         ;  not a data block
        jmp  errr        
read28  jsr  chkblk     ;  calc checksum
        cmp  chksum      
        beq  read40      
        lda  #5         ;  data block checksum error
	.byte  skip2   
read40  lda  #1         ;  read data block ok
        jmp  errr        
dstrt   jsr  srch       ;  find header
        jmp  sync       ;  and then data block sync
srch    lda  drive      ;  create header image
        asl  a   
        lda  dskid,x    ;  get master id for the drive
        sta  header      
        lda  dskid+1,x   
        sta  header+1    
        ldy  #0         ;  get track,sector
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        sta  header+2    
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        sta  header+3    
        lda  #0          

;create header checksum

        eor  header      
        eor  header+1    
        eor  header+2    
        eor  header+3    
        sta  header+4   ;  store the checksum
        jsr  conhdr     ;  convert header to gcr
        ldx  #90        ;  search 90 sync chars
srch20  jsr  sync       ;  find sync
        ldy  #0         ;  test 8 gcr bytes
srch25  bvc  *   
        clv     	;  wait for byte
        lda  data2       
        cmp  stab,y     ;  test if the same
        bne  srch30     ;  nope
        cpy  #8          
        bne  srch25      
srch30  dex     	; try again
        bne  srch20      
        lda  #2         ;  cant find this header
err     jmp  errr        
        lda  #$80+80    ;  wait 20 ms for sync max
        sta  timer1      
        lda  #3         ;  error code for no sync
sync10  bit  timer1     ;  test for time out
        bpl  err         
        bit  dskcnt     ;  test for sync
        bmi  sync10      
        lda  data2      ;  reset pa latch
        ldy  #0         ;  clear pointer

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated March 24, 1998.