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Commodore 1571 firmware
Format Routine

	.subttl 'lccfmt2a.src'

gaptbl  .byte $21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29
gp2tbl  .byte 2,2,4,6,8,8,11,19,22

; clear at least 6522 bytes written (trk1*1.08%)

spdchk  ldy  #0         ; 516153  write 82% sync
	ldx  #28         
        jsr  jclear     ; clear whole disk & more
	jsr  fil_syn	; fill with sync
        jsr  kill       ; go read mode

	ldy  #mscnt      
2$	ldx  #mscnt      
3$	bit  dskcnt	; try to find sync
	bpl  5$		; got sync

        bne  3$
        bne  2$

4$      lda  #2          
        jmp  jfmte10    ; error

5$	ldy  #0        
        ldx  #0         
6$	bit  dskcnt     ; wait for sync to go away
	bpl  6$		; got sync

7$	lda  dskcnt     ; count time till next sync
        iny     	; lsb not used
        bne  8$
        inx     	; msb
8$	and  #$80
        bne  7$		; br, still no sync

        lda  #0          
        sta  tsttrk      
	txa		; msb

;*           ---  lookup gap2 in table ---               *
;*       x :  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 29 *
;*  gap2   :  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 *
;*  speed  : fast -------------------------------- slow  *
        ldx  #gp2cmd-1   
9$	cmp  gaptbl,x   ; lookup timing gap
        beq  10$
        bpl  9$
        bmi  4$		; none

10$	lda  gp2tbl,x   ; look it up
        sta  dtrck       

jformt  lda  ftnum      ; test if formating done
        bpl  1$		; yes

        lda  #$60       ; status = stepping
        sta  drvst       

	lda  fmtsid
	bne  3$

        lda  #01         
	.byte  skip2
3$      lda  #36
        sta  drvtrk     ; track36
        sta  ftnum      ; track count 36
	cmp  #36	; sclr carry flag
	jsr  set_side

        lda  #256-92    ; step back 45 tracks
        sta  steps       

        lda  dskcnt	; phase a
        and  #$ff-03     
        sta  dskcnt

        lda  #10         
        sta  cnt        ; init error count
        jmp  jend       ; go back to controler

1$	ldy  #00         
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        cmp  ftnum       
        beq  2$

        lda  ftnum       
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          
        jmp  jend         

2$	lda  dskcnt	; check wps
	and  #$10
        bne  toptst	; ok

        lda  #8          
        jmp  jfmterr    ; wp error

fil_syn ldx  #20        ; 20*256 bytes of sync
        lda  #$ff       ; write syncs
1$	bit  pota1
	bmi  1$
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  1$
        bne  1$

toptst  lda  tsttrk      
        bpl  1$

        jsr  spdchk      

1$	lda  dtrck       
			;  create header images
        lda  #>bufs      
        sta  hdrpnt+1    
        lda  #00         
        sta  hdrpnt     ; point hdr point to buf0
        sta  sect        

        ldy  #0          
2$      lda  hbid       ; hbid cs s t id id 0f 0f
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          
        lda  #00        ; check sum is zero for now
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        lda  sect       ; store sector #
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        lda  ftnum      ; store track #
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        lda  dskid+1    ; store id low
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        lda  dskid      ; store id hi
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        lda  #$0f       ; store gap1 bytes
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          

        tya     	; save this point
        ldx  #07         
        lda  #00         
        sta  chksum     ; zero checksum
3$	dey      
        lda  (hdrpnt),y          
        eor  chksum      
        sta  chksum      
        bne  3$	

        sta  (hdrpnt),y ; store checksum
        tay     	; restore pointer

        inc  sect       ; goto next sector

        lda  sect       ; test if done yet
        cmp  sectr       
        bcc  2$		; more to do

	lda  #3
	sta  bufpnt+1	; $03XX

        jsr  fbtog      ; convert to gcr with no bid char
			; move buffer up 79 bytes

        ldy  #$ff-69    ; for i=n-1 to 0:mem+i+69|:=mem+i|:next
4$	lda  (hdrpnt),y ; move buf0 up 69 bytes
        ldx  #69         
        stx  hdrpnt      
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          
        ldx  #00         
        stx  hdrpnt      
        cpy  #$ff        
        bne  4$

        ldy  #68        ; #bytes to move
5$	lda  ovrbuf+$bb,y    
        sta  (hdrpnt),y          
        bpl  5$

;   create data block of zero

        lda  #>bufs      
        adc  #02         
        sta  bufpnt+1   ; point to buf2
        lda  #00         
        tay     	; init offset
6$	sta  (bufpnt),y          
        bne  6$

;   convert data block to gcr
;   write image
;   leave it in ovrbuf and buffer
        jsr  chkblk     ; get block checksum
	sta  chksum
        jsr  bingcr      

;   start the format now
;   write out sync header gap1
;   data block

        lda  #0         ; init counter
        sta  fmhdpt      

        ldx  #6         ; clear 8% of disk
        jsr  jclear     ; clear disk

7$	ldy  #numsyn    ; write 4 gcr bytes

8$	bit  pota1
	bmi  8$

	lda  #$ff       ; write sync
	sta  data2
	bit  byt_clr	; clear pa latch

        bne  8$

        ldx  #10        ; write out header
        ldy  fmhdpt      

9$      bit  pota1
	bmi  9$

        lda  (hdrpnt),y ; get header data
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  9$

; * write out gap1

        ldy  #gap1-2    ; write  gcr bytes

10$	bit  pota1
	bmi  10$	

        lda  #$55        
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr
        bne  10$

; * write out data block

        lda  #$ff       ; write data block sync
        ldy  #numsyn     

11$	bit  pota1
	bmi  11$

        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  11$

        ldy  #$bb       ; write out ovrbuf
12$	bit  pota1
	bmi  12$	

        lda  ovrbuf,y
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  12$

13$	bit  pota1
	bmi  13$

        lda  (bufpnt),y          
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  13$

        lda  #$55       ; write gap2(dtrck)
        ldy  dtrck       

14$	bit  pota1
	bmi  14$
        sta  data2       
	bit  byt_clr

        bne  14$

        lda  fmhdpt     ; advance header pointer
        adc  #10         
        sta  fmhdpt      

;  done writing sector

        dec  sect       ; go to next on
        beq  15$	; br, no more to do

        jmp  7$

15$	bit  pota1	; wait for last one to write
	bmi  15$

	bit  byt_clr

16$	bit  pota1	;wait for last one to write
	bmi  16$

	bit  byt_clr

        jsr  kill       ; goto read mode

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated March 24, 1998.