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Commodore 1571 firmware
Copy all routin

	.subttl 'copall.src'

; set up subroutine

pups1   lda  #0          
        sta  rec         
        sta  drvcnt      
        sta  filtrk      
        sta  filtrk+1    
        lda  fildrv+1   ; get drive number
        and  #1         ; only
        sta  drvnum      
        ora  #1          
        sta  delsec     ; nonzero
        lda  filtbl+1   ; fn1=fn2
        sta  filtbl      
	.page   'copy  all'     
; copy disk to disk routines
;cpydtd  lda  filtbl+1   ; save in temp
;        sta  temp        
;        ldy  #40        ; 40 char buffer
;        ldx  cmdsiz     ; prep to move
;        sty  cmdsiz     ; end of filename2
;movlp1  dey      
;        dex      
;        lda  cmdbuf,x   ; mov fn lifo
;        sta  cmdbuf,y    
;        cpx  temp       ; actual f2 val
;        bne  movlp1      
;        sty  filtbl+1   ; pointer to f2
;movlp2  jsr  optsch      
;        jsr  pups1      ; setup first pass
;        jsr  ffst       ; first match
;        bpl  fixit      ; entry found?
;        bmi  endit      ; no
;exlp0   pla     ; pull needed vars
;        sta  dirsec      
;        pla      
;        sta  filtbl+1    
;        pla      
;        sta  lstbuf      
;        pla      
;        sta  filcnt      
;        pla      
;        sta  index       
;        pla      
;        sta  found       
;        pla      
;        sta  delind      
;        pla      
;        sta  drvflg      
;exlp1   jsr  pups1      ; set up vars
;        jsr  ffre       ; next match
;        bpl  fixit      ; found one?
;endit   jmp  endcmd     ; no! so bye
;fixit   lda  drvflg     ; push needed vars
;        pha      
;        lda  delind      
;        pha      
;        lda  found       
;        pha      
;        lda  index       
;        pha      
;        lda  filcnt      
;        pha      
;        lda  lstbuf      
;        pha      
;        lda  filtbl+1    
;        pha      
;        lda  dirsec      
;        pha      
;exlp2   jsr  trfnme     ; transfer name
;        lda  #1         ; fake out lookup
;        sta  f1cnt       
;        sta  f2cnt       
;        jsr  lookup      
;        lda  #1          
;        sta  f1cnt       
;        lda  #2         ; real
;        sta  f2cnt       
;        jsr  cy         ; copy it
;        jmp  exlp0      ; next one folks
;; transfer name (dirbuf) to cmdbuf
;trfnme  ldy  #3         ; both indexes
;        sty  filtbl     ; begining of filename1
;trf0    lda  (dirbuf),y         ; move it
;        sta  cmdbuf,y    
;        iny      
;        cpy  #19        ; all 16 chars passed?
;        bne  trf0        
;        rts      

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This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Read the small print. Last updated March 24, 1998.